The body is cyclic in nature. Foods eaten, along with how the exertion and recovery cycle is balanced, impact the body systems, predisposing susceptibility or immunity to many preventable health conditions. This also impacts how the body’s systems handle stressors and the resulting systemic response impacts overall health. Each event creates part of a cycle.Mind, body and spirit work together to create internal harmony. When out of balance, physical manifestations appear. Due to cause and effect, when one body system has a negative reaction, it forces an actual chemical and hormonal response that impacts the entire body’s condition.A negative mental perception is enough to trigger a physical response and start a cycle. The physical response often furthers the negative health condition creating a downward spiral. Insertion of a Positive Wellness Behavior (PWB) can stop and in some cases reverse this cycle in the same way that it was started.For instance, managing a perceived stressor with slow diaphragmatic breathing can send a healing flood of oxygen and healing hormones into the body. This slows the heart rate, respirations and blood pressure creating a corresponding positive health cycle. Any PWB that creates a relaxation response will impact overall body function and wellbeing.Too often people look outside of themselves to heal the body and renew mental clarity, and overlook the power they hold to influence their own condition. In defense, for many it is simpler to go to a physician, have them give a diagnosis and medication, than it would be seek out the root cause of the symptoms and make lifestyle changes to prevent them.One can be either proactive or reactive. Medical care is reactive, but is necessary for many conditions, such as infection and serious illness that requires medical treatment. Prevention is proactive; it is spending time on lifestyle changes that result in the prevention of the condition itself.Once the illness has entered the body, intervention becomes necessary. With more attention spent on prevention, there would be reduced need for medical intervention. Prevention happens before, when one is not necessarily in need of medical attention, when there is functioning but not thriving.This is where personal assessment and lifestyle changes can begin to make the greatest impact. Lifestyle changes are often difficult, leaving people unsure of where to start. The first thing one must do is to assess the physical symptoms experienced. Most often seen are:Fatigue
Vague or chronic pain
Foggy feeling
Concentration problems
Temperature intolerance
Mood issues
Weight gain
Anxiety and depression issuesMany of these common outward symptoms can be prevented or managed by making consistent lifestyle changes, targeting the negative health cycle begun by Negative Wellness Behaviors or NWB (NWB is the opposite action of the positive behavior). Becoming proactive by turning NWB into PWB, it is possible to experience improved health and wellbeing. The following are a few examples of PWB:Regularly eat a well balanced diet, with adequate protein, healthy fats and vegetables.
Take appropriate vitamin and mineral supplementation along with probiotics.
Reduce or eliminate highly processed or unnatural foods.
Purposefully balance physical exertion and recovery cycles.
On a daily basis, push the body physically. (Short, meaningful episodes of targeted exertion.) Challenge heart and lungs with cardio exercise, challenge muscles through resistance training and stretch and soothe muscle with stretching.
Engage in focused relaxation techniques. Take time to reflect and be still daily.
Reduce and limit multiple external distractions.
Plan for, and become accountable for daily wellness activity.
Use mindfulness to focus attention and block time for what is truly important.
Live your purpose. Engage in meaningful or life-purpose activity.
Surround yourself with supportive friends and engage in positive social interaction.
Decrease or eliminate non-purposeful or non-essential activity.
Understand your circadian rhythm and align activity to suit.
Find and engage in an outlet that allows you to express your personal gifting.
Align activity with what you value and your natural inclinations.
Alter life situation to better suit life purpose.While not an exhaustive list, these examples denote the character of lifestyle choices that impact health. It is these types of mind, body and spirit connections that influence the health cycles impacting all body systems. By paying attention and taking action, it is possible to embrace prevention and avoid the need for medical intervention.
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